Human Rights

  • Personalized Education for Young Girls

    Unlocking Potential, Inspiring Dreams
    Every young girl deserves the chance to reach for the stars, to embrace her potential, and to pursue her dreams with unwavering confidence. At DAMES, Inc., we are dedicated to providing personalized education for young girls, an essential foundation for a brighter future.
    $5,010.00 donated of $40,000.00 goal
  • Eradicating Human Trafficking

    Rescuing Lives, Reclaiming Freedom
    Human trafficking is a grave violation of human rights, and at DAMES, Inc., we are committed to eradicating this heinous crime. We believe that every individual deserves to live a life free from exploitation and fear. Join us in the fight against human trafficking as we work tirelessly to rescue lives and reclaim freedom.
    $1,500.00 donated of $50,000.00 goal